Construction Start
June 2013
Occupancy Date
December 2014
Number of Units
18 Buildings, 293 Apartments
Studios, 1, 2, and 3 Bedrooms
6 Retail Stores
2 Community Facilities |
Building Size
331,800 Square Feet Total
4-5 Floors
Development Cost
$50.6 Million
Capital Financing
NYC Housing Development Corporation
NYC HPD Loans and Tax Credits
JPMorgan Chase Bank
Red Stone Equity Partners |
Nonprofit Partner
Beulah HDFC, Inc.
Social Service Provider |
CAMBA, Inc. |
OCV Architects
MDG Design + Construction, LLC
Marking Dunn Development Corp.’s first year 15 acquisition, resyndication and mod-rehabilitation project, this $50.6 million transaction provided renovations and system upgrades to a struggling and deteriorated portfolio that had not seen significant capital investment since its original gut renovation twenty years ago, while preserving affordability for current and future residents. Using financing from a mix of tax-exempt bonds, low-interest loans, and equity investment from the new syndication of tax credits, the developer provided new roofs, windows, and energy-efficient heating systems, upgraded apartment kitchens and bathrooms, installed security cameras and completed façade repairs and other building improvements. A number of the units in the portfolio are designated for formerly homeless families, with CAMBA, Inc. providing social services from an on-site office.