Construction Start
December 2007
Occupancy Date
July 2009
Number of Units
152 Apartments in 2 Buildings
Studios, 1, 2 and 3 Bedrooms
Building Size
155,000 Square Feet of Residential Space in 2 Buildings 6,345 Square Feet of Retail Space 94 Spaces of Public Parking
8 Floors
Development Cost
$53 Million
Capital Financing
NYC Housing Development Corporation
NYC HPD Loan and Tax Credits
JPMorgan Chase Bank
Wells Fargo/Wachovia
Inclusionary Sale Proceeds
Nonprofit Partner
Housing Partnership Development Corporation
Community Partner
Churches United Corp.
L&M Development Partners Inc.
Curtis + Ginsberg Architects LLP
L&M Builders Group LLC
This project is the first newly constructed building to use the upland Inclusionary Housing Program adopted with the rezoning of the Williamsburg/Greenpoint Waterfront in Brooklyn Community Board #1, providing affordable housing in a rapidly gentrifying area. Developed on private land and a municipal parking lot that were rezoned, the 152 affordable apartments are located in two buildings facing both Cook Street and Varet Street. The development features commercial space on Varet Street and an attended public parking garage to replace the prior municipal lot. A deck above the ground floor parking garage holds a landscaped rear yard with a children’s play area and green roof. The building facades incorporate complementary brick and precast colors and feature window returns that bring additional light to the units and highlight the facades at night.
Rear Facade Photograph © Curtis + Ginsberg Architects LLP
Roof Garden
Photograph © Curtis + Ginsberg Architects LLP
Site Plan
Site Before Construction